Dear Community,

I hope this message finds you well. As some of you may have noticed, there has been a bit of silence on our end lately. I wanted to take a moment to address this and share some important news with all of you.

I want to emphasize that In fact, we have a planned comeback in the works. We are currently taking this time to regroup, recharge, and strategize on how we can better serve this community moving forward. We are committed to coming back stronger and more dedicated than ever before.

But that's not all. In addition to our planned comeback, we also want to take this opportunity to announce our commitment to raising awareness about Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD). This is a serious mental health condition that affects many individuals around the world, yet it often goes unrecognized and misunderstood.

We believe that as a community, we have a responsibility to shed light on important issues like EUPD and provide support and resources for those who may be struggling with it. Through educational posts, discussions, and initiatives, we hope to foster a better understanding of EUPD and reduce the stigma associated with it.

We encourage all members of this forum to join us in this effort. Whether you have personal experience with EUPD, know someone who does, or simply want to learn more about it, your participation is invaluable. Together, we can make a difference and create a more compassionate and informed community.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. We look forward to returning to our regular activities soon and embarking on this important journey together.

Warmest regards,