Hello all,

These forums were setup to help give guidance to others regarding their diagnosis with EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder); we are looking for bright individuals to help give that guidance toward helping people with their diagnosis, just be aware that we are unable to diagnose people, we aren't that kind of service, we are alternatively able to give advice on the mental health disorder.

How do is it work?
  • Members will be given the option to apply
  • You'll be selected and invited to participate in the EUPD Community council
  • A private forum in which you're able to talk to other EUPD Community Council members, friendly or guidance whatever you feel comfortable doing.
  • You'll be highlighted as a special member of the forums given access to signatures and other permissions, we are still deciding what.
  • You are not however, classed as staff.

Throughout your time as a member of the EUPD Community council you will be assessed by moderators and community managers, if we find you are breaking rules or acting poorly your rank will be taken away from you.

If you are keen to apply, please give us an email at forums@eupd.org.uk and we will get back to you!